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Premier Tech launches the Rewatec rainwater harvester in Canada

3D illustration of the Rewatec rainwater harvesting system from Premier Tech.

Today, the Water and Environment business group of Premier Tech, a Canadian-based company and a world leader in water management and wastewater treatment, is proud to launch an innovative new range of rainwater harvesters in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Québec.

The Rewatec rainwater harvester

An eco-responsible investment for the conservation of water resources, the Rewatec rainwater harvester offers a solution adapted to residential, commercial, and community needs.

It allows residential drinking water consumption to be reduced by up to 40%. For office buildings and community projects, the reduction in consumption can reach 70%.

The Rewatec rainwater harvesting system collects and stores large quantities of water in an underground tank. The water can then be used for various needs. Inside the home, it can be used to wash clothes and flush toilets. Outside, it can be used to wash vehicles, water gardens, and even fill pools and spas.

The solution also helps to relieve the burden on municipal infrastructure: “Urban densification puts pressure on water and sanitation networks that cities can no longer ignore. The Rewatec rainwater harvesting system reduces the stress on existing networks through better control of runoff and reduced consumption of drinking water,” explains Henri Ouellet, president of Premier Tech Water and Environment.

Rainwater harvesting rebates and incentives

Rewatec rainwater harvester owners can benefit from several support programs, including:

  • a $500 mail-in rebate from Premier Tech for installing a Rewatec rainwater harvester and the Ecoflo biofilter at the same time
  • incentives or cash back from certain municipalities
  • points that can be used for LEED certification, which provides financial benefits from mortgage lenders

Working together to protect water resources

Fresh water represents just 3% of the water available on the planet and it faces several challenges: increased consumption, pollution in watercourses, scarcity in some areas, the impact of climate change on the hydrological cycle, and more.

Rainwater harvesting is an essential part of water management because it ensures drinking water is used only for essential purposes and it reduces the pressure we put on public systems.

“Canada is rich in fresh water, and that comes with a responsibility. We must protect this resource and, by launching the Rewatec rainwater harvester, we are enabling Canadians to contribute to this collective effort,” says Ouellet.


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Premier Tech offers innovative solutions for rainwater management and wastewater treatment across Canada.

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