Man putting recyclables into bins in his kitchen.

Organic waste recycling systems

Premier Tech Water and Environment provides innovative compost and biogas systems for a wide range of applications. Learn more about our solutions or get in touch with our team today.

Compost systems for businesses and communities

Our compost systems transform food waste into a valuable resource that feeds and improves soil.

By providing optimal conditions for microorganisms, our highly efficient and odour-free solutions make it easy to return nutrients to the green spaces you care about.

Organic waste, including banana peels, carrot peels, and apple cores.

Biogas processing systems for businesses and communities

Our biogas systems capture methane, a byproduct of compost production, and turn it into a sustainable and local source of energy.

Providing a resource that is clean, renewable, and carbon-neutral, our solutions are powerful tools to combat global warming and drive the circular economy of the future.

Domed roof of the anaerobic digester in a biogas processing plant behind a field of corn.
Flow of treated municipal wastewater, made possible by technologies from Premier Tech Water and Environment in India.

Start your organic recycling project

We make it easy to recycle organic waste. Reach out to our team and we will guide you every step of the way.

Get started