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Ecoflo compact biofilter certifications in North America

Ecoflo biofilter septic system installed on a waterfront property near the St. Lawrence River in Quebec, Canada.

We measure the performance and durability of our Ecoflo compact biofilter in more than words. We back it with testing results from independent and impartial septic certification bodies in Canada and the United States.

These organizations rigorously tested our sustainable septic system in real-world conditions for up to a year. Like us, their goal was to ensure our technology meets strict standards that protect properties, public health, and the environment.

The Ecoflo compact biofilter outperformed even the most stringent requirements, which is why we proudly market it with several certification logos — symbols recognized by regulators and trusted by septic system professionals across North America.

How to read our test results

Before we dig deeper into Ecoflo certifications, let’s decode some industry terms and abbreviations so you can fully understand our test results.

What is CBOD5?

Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD5) is an indirect measure of biodegradable pollutants in wastewater. It describes the quantity of dissolved oxygen that microorganisms consume when they break down organic matter in a wastewater sample over a five-day period.

What is TSS in wastewater?

Total suspended solids (TSS) is a measure of undissolved particles in wastewater. It refers to the weight of all suspended solids in a wastewater sample after they have been trapped by a filter and allowed to dry.

What is a fecal coliform?

Fecal coliforms are bacteria that originate in the intestines of warm-blooded animals, including humans. For wastewater, the concentration of fecal coliforms is determined by filtering a sample, growing the retained bacteria on a culture medium, and then counting the number of colony forming units (CFUs) per 100 mL.

What is wastewater pH?

pH is a measure of acidity or basicity. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, where 0 is very acidic, 7 is neutral, and 14 is very basic. For wastewater, normal pH values range between 6.5 and 9.

BNQ certification standard NQ 3680‑910

The Bureau de Normalisation du Québec (BNQ) is a certification body accredited by the Standards Council of Canada and fully compliant with the processes and ethical practices of the International Organization for Standardization.

The BNQ developed standard NQ 3680‑910 to establish performance requirements for on-site wastewater treatment systems for isolated dwellings in Québec.

Systems certified with this standard must successfully complete a 12-month test that includes several stresses, including periods of non-use and power outages. The goal is to measure reliability throughout Québec’s four-season climate and conformity to local rules and regulations.

Class III: Advanced secondary treatment

These test results show the average treatment performance of our Ecoflo compact biofilter.

Parameter Requirement1 Ecoflo Compact Biofilter Effluent
100% Coco Filtering Medium2 Coco and Peat Filtering Medium
CBOD5 (mg/L) ≤ 15 2 2
TSS (mg/L) ≤ 15 2 2
Fecal coliforms (CFU/100 mL) ≤ 50,000 350 1,250

1. 30-day average.
2. As per system certification, installation includes a Premier Tech compact sand filter.


Class V: Tertiary treatment with disinfection

These test results show the average treatment performance of our Ecoflo compact biofilter when combined with Rewatec UV disinfection.

Parameter Requirement1 Ecoflo Compact Biofilter Effluent with UV Disinfection
100% Coco Filtering Medium2 Coco and Peat Filtering Medium
CBOD5 (mg/L) ≤ 15 4 2
TSS (mg/L) ≤ 15 4 2
Fecal coliforms (CFU/100 mL) ≤ 20 2 2

1. 30-day average.
2.Before photoreactivation.


And these results, also under Class V for tertiary treatment with disinfection, show the average treatment performance of our Ecoflo compact biofilter when combined with our Rewatec passive disinfection filter.

Parameter Requirement1 Ecoflo Compact Biofilter Effluent with Disinfection Filter
100% Coco Filtering Medium Coco and Peat Filtering Medium
CBOD5 (mg/L) ≤ 15 2 2
TSS (mg/L) ≤ 15 1 2
Fecal coliforms (CFU/100 mL) ≤ 200 3 9

1. 30-day average.


CAN/BNQ certification standard 3680‑600

The BNQ developed CAN/BNQ standard 3680‑600 to establish performance requirements for on-site wastewater treatment systems for isolated dwellings across Canada.

Systems certified with this standard must successfully complete a 12-month test that includes stresses, such as periods of non-use and power outages. The first six months of the test involve frequent samplings, while the remaining six months measure reliability throughout Canada’s four-season climate.

These test results show the treatment performance of our Ecoflo compact biofilter in two different configurations: demand dose, where wastewater freely enters the system without flow regulation, and timed dose, where wastewater enters the system via a pump that runs at predetermined intervals.

Parameter Class B-IV Requirement1 Ecoflo Compact Biofilter Effluent2
Demand Dose Timed Dose
CBOD5 (mg/L) ≤ 10 3 4
TSS (mg/L) ≤ 10 4 4
Fecal coliforms (CFU/100 mL) No requirement

1. 30-day average.
2. With coco and peat filtering medium.


NSF/ANSI standard 40 and 245

The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) is a certification body in the United States. It is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the Standards Council of Canada. Like the BNQ, the processes and ethical practices of the NSF are fully compliant with international standards.

Standard 40

NSF/ANSI standard 40 establishes performance requirements for residential wastewater treatment systems with capacities between 1,514 and 5,678 L (400 and 1,500 US gal) per day.

Technologies certified with this standard must successfully complete a six-month test that includes several stresses, including periods of non-use and power outages. System service and maintenance are not allowed during the test period.

These test results show the average treatment performance of our Ecoflo compact biofilter.

Parameter Requirement1 Ecoflo Compact Biofilter Effluent2
CBOD5 (mg/L) ≤ 25 8
TSS (mg/L) ≤ 30 6
Fecal coliforms (CFU/100 mL) No requirement

1. 30-day average.
2. With 100% coconut husk fragment filtering medium.


Standard 245

NSF/ANSI standard 245 establishes nitrogen reduction requirements for residential wastewater treatment systems.

Technologies certified with this standard must meet all the requirements of NSF/ANSI standard 40 and reduce nitrogen in wastewater by at least 50%.

These test results show the treatment performance of our Ecoflo compact biofilter when combined with our Rewatec nitrogen reduction unit.

Parameter Requirement1 Ecoflo Compact Biofilter Effluent2
CBOD5 (mg/L) ≤ 25 4
TSS (mg/L) ≤ 35 2
pH 6 to 9 7.1
Total nitrogen reduction > 50%  54%

1. 30-day average.
2. With 100% coconut husk fragment filtering medium.


The final word

As you can see from our test results, our Ecoflo compact biofilter does more than just meet septic certification standards. It outperforms them at every turn, giving you a sustainable septic system that protects your property and the environment for a lifetime.

Installation of the Pack model of the polyethylene Ecoflo compact biofilter at a residential site in Ontario.

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Last update: 2023.09.28

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