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Buying guide: Ecoflo compact biofilter vs. Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic

Comparison of the Ecoflo compact biofilter and the Advanced Enviro-Septic system.

Looking for the best advanced septic system for your home or cabin and feeling a little lost with all the options? You’re not alone.

Plenty of property owners have a tough time finding a septic system that fits their needs, values, and long-term goals.

To make your decision easier, let's compare two NSF-certified systems: the Ecoflo compact biofilter and the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic treatment system. We’ll put them head-to-head in a few categories: installation footprint, ease of installation, sludge accumulation, long-term cost, and warranty.

What is the Ecoflo compact biofilter?

3D image of the Ecoflo compact biofilter septic system in the United States.

The Ecoflo compact biofilter is a secondary advanced treatment system that treats wastewater using a natural filter made of coconut husk fragments. It is certified under NSF/ANSI standard 40.

An Ecoflo septic installation treats and disperses wastewater in three stages:

  1. Primary treatment in the septic tank
    Wastewater flows into the septic tank, where it separates into three layers: solid matter settles to the bottom, while lighter matter and scum float to the top. In the middle, a layer of partially clarified wastewater flows downstream into the Ecoflo compact biofilter.
  2. Secondary treatment in the Ecoflo compact biofilter
    When wastewater enters the Ecoflo compact biofilter, it flows into a tipping bucket, which then disperses wastewater onto perforated plates. From there, water percolates through a filter made of coconut husk fragments. The filter acts as a physical barrier that retains wastewater contaminants and supports the growth of bacteria that break down pollutants.
  3. Infiltration or final dispersal
    After passing through the Ecoflo compact biofilter, treated wastewater is safely returned to the environment. For most installations, it flows into a septic drain field (also known as a leach field), where it infiltrates into native soil and returns to groundwater.

    A different method is needed if water cannot infiltrate into native soil, or if local regulations call for higher treatment standards. In these cases, the Ecoflo compact biofilter sends wastewater to a disinfection system (called tertiary treatment) that safely disperses effluent into a watercourse or ditch.

What is the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic treatment system?

3D image of the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system in the United States.

Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic is a secondary advanced treatment system that was manufactured by Presby Environmental. The system is now manufactured by Infiltrator Water Technologies, which acquired Presby in 2019.

The system’s design relies on buried polyethylene pipes, where wastewater is both treated and dispersed into an infiltration area.

The Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic treatment system treats and disperses wastewater in two stages:

  1. Primary treatment in the septic tank
    Wastewater flows into the septic tank, where it separates into three layers: solid matter settles to the bottom, while lighter matter and scum rise to the surface. The middle layer of partially clarified water flows into the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system.
  2. Secondary treatment and dispersal in the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system
    Wastewater from the septic tank accumulates in perforated pipes covered with three layers of permeable synthetic membranes. These membranes support the growth of bacteria that partially treat wastewater. According to the manufacturer, fluctuating water levels and constant airflow in the pipes increases bacterial activity.

    After wastewater seeps through the synthetic membranes, it slowly percolates through an underlying layer of filtration sand. This process removes any remaining contaminants and allows wastewater to return to native soil.

An important note

Due to its reliance on an infiltration zone for wastewater treatment and dispersal, the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system is not a realistic option for properties with impermeable soil or situations that require disinfection or other tertiary treatment.

Space occupied by Ecoflo vs. Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic systems

When choosing a septic system for a home or cottage, it is important to consider the space the system requires.

Most of a septic system is buried. But the space it occupies must remain clear of traffic, structures, or anything else that could disrupt its proper functioning or maintenance.

If you plan to install a swimming pool, build a garage, or landscape your property, you will have to respect certain distances from your septic system. If your space is limited, you may want to pick a compact and discreet system that gives you flexibility for the future.

Comparison for in-ground installations

If your property has sufficient and permeable soil and low groundwater, your septic system can be installed directly in your soil. These types of projects are referred to as in-ground installations.

Let's compare the space occupied by in-ground installations for Ecoflo and Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic systems. We will assume that both installations are for a three-bedroom residence.

The Ecoflo compact biofilter typically has a wastewater dispersal area that measures between 500 and 600 ft2. The area may vary depending on your local regulations. The only part of the system that is visible is the flat green lid to access the biofilter unit.

The Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system is larger and more visible. It has a wastewater dispersal area that usually measures between 650 and 700 ft2. Again, this number may vary depending on where you live. The system has a vent pipe that stands 3 to 10 ft above the surface of your yard.

Need a compact system
for a small lot?


Comparison for raised installations

An in-ground installation may not be possible if your property has limited or impermeable soil or high groundwater. In these cases, a raised installation is required.

A raised installation has an additional layer of soil beneath the drain field. The extra material ensures that wastewater is properly treated by the time it reaches your groundwater. As the name suggests, raised installations create visible mounds.

To compare the space occupied by raised installations for Ecoflo and Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic systems, let's assume again that the property has a three-bedroom residence.

For the Ecoflo compact biofilter, the visible mound over the drain field is around 2 ft tall. That’s about the height of your knees.

The Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system is similar, except for one big difference. The visible mound over the drain field is also at least 2 ft tall. But because a raised installation of this system requires treatment pipes that are 1 ft high, the total height of the mound is at least 3 ft.

Installing Ecoflo vs. Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic systems

Deadlines are often tight for septic projects. That’s why it’s important to choose a system that is quick and easy to install.

To evaluate a septic system’s ease of installation, you need to consider several factors:

  • machinery needed for installation
  • required materials, including gravel, sand, and backfill
  • time needed to complete the job
  • lag time between installation and effective wastewater treatment

Installation and start-up for the Ecoflo compact biofilter

Premier Tech manufactures several Ecoflo compact biofilter models. Each is adapted to certain site conditions and soil types. Installation equipment, required materials, and start-up time vary by model.

  • Polyethylene models are ideal for permeable soils, sites that are difficult to access, and sites with limited installation space. The tanks are compact and ready to use and can be moved and installed with small to medium equipment.
  • Polyethylene Pack models are like regular polyethylene models except for one key feature: they combine the septic tank and the Ecoflo compact biofilter in a single configuration. Pack models require one excavation instead of two, which reduces the materials and time required for the job.
  • Concrete models are suitable for all soil types and high water tables. Given their weight, heavy machinery is needed to move and install these tanks. Most concrete models come pre-assembled and ready to use.
  • Fiberglass models are compact and ideal for small lots with permeable soil. They can be moved and installed with light equipment. Infiltration of treated wastewater occurs directly beneath the unit. This reduces the space, materials, and time needed for installation.

Ecoflo installations need a pump if gravity alone cannot transport wastewater between different system components.

Once installation is complete, the Ecoflo compact biofilter is immediately operational and ready to treat your property's wastewater.

Wastewater professional installing the Ecoflo biofilter Pack on a rural property in Québec, Canada.

Installation and start-up for the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system

The Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic treatment system is not ready to use. That means it must be entirely built on site. The installation time can therefore be longer compared to a ready-to-use system like the Ecoflo compact biofilter.

The Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system requires large quantities of a specific sand to carry out wastewater treatment. One or more ventilation pipes at the beginning and end of the system are also needed for treatment.

Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic systems need a pump if gravity cannot transport wastewater from the septic tank to the treatment and dispersal area.

Once the installation of the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic treatment system is complete, it is operational and ready to treat wastewater.

Sludge accumulation in Ecoflo vs. Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic systems

Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system installation.

Every septic system accumulates sludge as a natural by-product of the wastewater treatment process.

This black or brownish substance is made up of partially decomposed solids. Bacteria that treat wastewater cannot fully break down this material, so it builds up over time.

If left unchecked, the accumulation of sludge in a septic system can have negative consequences:

  • incomplete treatment of wastewater
  • environmental contamination
  • public health risks
  • full system replacement
  • septic tank odors
  • backflow of wastewater into your home
  • stagnant water or spongy soil on your lawn

These situations can be avoided when you choose a septic system that properly manages the buildup of sludge.

Sludge accumulation in the Ecoflo compact biofilter

In the Ecoflo compact biofilter, wastewater passes through a 100% coco filter (or one made of coco and peat moss).

In addition to removing pollutants, the filter creates a physical barrier that retains sludge. This protects the septic system’s downstream components and prevents the drain field from clogging.

The design of the Ecoflo compact biofilter allows easy access to all components through its lid. This makes it easy to monitor sludge accumulation and to troubleshoot the system.

When properly used and maintained, the Ecoflo compact biofilter’s coco filter is guaranteed for 10 years, but its lifespan can extend to more than 15 years. Near the end of its useful life, we renew it by removing the old coco filter and placing a new one in the original biofilter unit.

The renewal process takes just a few hours. There is no damage to your landscaping and, after the work is done, Premier Tech automatically resets the original performance guarantee for your system.

This means the Ecoflo compact biofilter can be restored to day-one performance without any excavation or full-system replacements. And it’s done at a fraction of the cost you would need to pay to install a new system.

Ecoflo compact biofilter filtering medium renewal in Pennsylvania.

Sludge accumulation in the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system

Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic's underground treatment and distribution pipes are surrounded by synthetic membranes.

The membranes trap suspended particles as wastewater passes through the pipes. But over time, these suspended particles clog the membranes. When this happens, wastewater gets trapped in the pipes because it cannot seep into the underlying sand layer.

Without intervention, the situation gets worse until the entire system has to be excavated and replaced.

It is possible to avoid replacing the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system by flushing out the sludge in the distribution pipes. Unfortunately, this process damages your landscaping because it requires excavation to reach the system’s pipes.

Once the pipes are cleaned, they must be allowed to drain and ventilate for a minimum of 72 hours.

This intervention avoids the immediate need for a full-system replacement. But it only buys time. Because the service does not remove contaminants or clogging in the underlying filtration sand, a complete replacement will eventually be needed.

The result of clogged pipes in the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system.

Costs of Ecoflo vs. Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic systems

The Ecoflo compact biofilter has a slightly higher purchase price than the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system. But if we compare maintenance and operating costs over 25 years, Ecoflo is the better long-term investment for your property.

Learn more about the purchase price of the Ecoflo compact biofilter.

Like all advanced secondary treatment systems, Ecoflo and Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic systems both require annual maintenance to ensure they continue to properly treat your wastewater.

This maintenance is in addition to septic tank pump-outs, which take place every two to four years.

Operating and maintenance costs for the Ecoflo compact biofilter

Here are the expenses you can expect throughout the life of the Ecoflo compact biofilter:

  • annual maintenance
  • effluent pump replacements every 7 to 10 years (on average) if your system needs a pump
  • filter renewals every 12.5 years (on average)

The Ecoflo compact biofilter is installed for life, meaning you never need to replace it. You can easily restore the system to its original performance by renewing its coco filter.

Learn more about the advantages of Ecoflo filter renewals.

Operation and maintenance costs for Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic systems

Here are the expenses you need to plan for during the lifespan of the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system:

  • annual maintenance
  • effluent pump replacements every 7 to 10 years (on average) if the system needs a pump
  • sludge extraction
  • full-system replacement after 10 to 25 years, depending on use

Although annual maintenance is required, it has limited value because the heart of the system is buried and inaccessible. The maintenance technician can inspect the visible part of the system and measure its water levels. But there is no way of spotting most breakages, clogs, or other problems.

When the time comes to replace the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system, the soil it occupied will be saturated and contaminated. The replacement system will need to be installed in another part of your property. You may need to create space for it by removing structures, landscaping features, and trees.

Cost comparison over 25 years

If you are considering the Ecoflo compact biofilter or the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system, it's important to understand the long-term operating and maintenance costs. Let's compare these expenses over a 25-year period.

For the comparison, we will assume that the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic requires a full replacement sometime between the 10th and 25th year of use.

Table comparing the long-term costs of the Ecoflo compact biofilter and the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system.

Warranties for Ecoflo vs. Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic systems

It is essential to compare warranties before you choose the septic system that is right for you.

Remember, you’re paying for more than just a system and its components. You’re paying for the expectation that it will work properly over the long term.

Ecoflo compact biofilter warranty

Table showing the warranty for the Ecoflo compact biofilter in the United States.

Not only does the Ecoflo compact biofilter come with a 10-year warranty for both the tank and its components, but it also guarantees treatment performance.

The coco filter warranty covers its physical integrity and the absence of clogging. It also guarantees your wastewater will be properly treated after it passes through the compact biofilter. These points ensure your downstream treatment components are protected.

When the time comes to remove your old coco filter and install a new one, the 10-year warranty on the filter is automatically renewed.

Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic warranty

Table showing the warranty for the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system in the United States.

The Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system’s one-year warranty covers only the physical integrity of the distribution pipes. In other words, only manufacturing defects in the pipes are guaranteed.

The warranty does not cover clogging in the distribution pipes, the condition of the filtration sand, or whether or not your wastewater will be properly treated.

The bottom line

Choosing the right septic system is crucial for the long-term protection of your health and the environment.

Whether you pick the Ecoflo compact biofilter or the Presby Advanced Enviro-Septic system, make sure your decision is well-informed. Consider key factors like the system’s footprint, ease of installation, sludge accumulation, long-term cost, and warranty.

By carefully weighing these criteria, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your system provides reliable performance and enhances the overall value of your property.

Installation of the Pack model of the polyethylene Ecoflo compact biofilter at a residential site in Pennsylvania.

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