Ecoflo-Rewatec order form

Complete this form to place your order with our team. You will receive an email copy once you complete it. Please contact us at 1 800 632-6356 ext. 16733 or at [email protected] for any questions.

* = required field


Installer (company)

This number corresponds to the reference number you associate with your orders.

A copy of the order will be sent to this email address.

Customer information

Installation type

Installation address

Customer's mailing address (if different)

The customer's main address if the septic system is installed at a secondary residence.

Other information

Depot where you will find the materials for the installation


Enter the item number, product code, and quantity for each item you wish to order. To add lines, click on the « Add items » button.

Item number (6-digit code) Product code Quantity Operations
Item number (6-digit code) Product code Quantity
Item number (6-digit code) Product code Quantity Operations
Serial number Item number (6-digit code) Product code Quantity Operations
Serial number Item number Product code Quantity
Serial number Item number Product code Quantity Operations