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Premier Tech’s rainwater technologies win an award from Écotech Québec!

Marie-Christine Bélanger receives a Eureka! prize from Écotech Québec on behalf of Premier Tech Water and Environment.

Premier Tech Water and Environment and Reford Gardens were awarded Écotech Québec’s 2023 Eurêka! prize in the businesses and services category for their collaboration in a rainwater harvesting project.

The Eurêka! prize is awarded to businesses and organizations in Québec that uphold their commitment to a greener economy by acquiring clean technologies from within the province.

The rainwater harvesting project

Two Rewatec rainwater harvesting systems were installed at Reford Gardens, a historic site located at Grand-Métis in Québec's Bas-Saint-Laurent region.

The systems allow Reford Gardens to water plants with rainwater that may have otherwise been lost as surface runoff. This, in turn, has helped the site reduce its drinking water consumption by 40%. Since their installation, the systems have harvested more than 300,000 L of rainwater for the garden and its hundreds of flora species.

Our Rewatec rainwater harvester has again proven itself as an eco-friendly option for homeowners, cottage owners, and businesses that want to reduce their indoor and outdoor consumption of potable water.

Rainwater falling on a concrete surface.

Choose to make a difference

Less dependence on drinking water? It's possible! Take the first step by checking out our range of Rewatec rainwater harvesters.

Our rainwater harvesters

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